Import Export Certificate

087000 05017

Get EPR Certificate in 2 Day

We Make EPR Authorization For Plastic Waste, Electronic Waste, Tyre Waste ,Oil Waste & Battery Waste Easy & Effortless!

EPR Certificate Apply Online

Applying for an EPR certificate online streamlines the process of demonstrating a product or service's environmental performance. Utilizing the internet for this application process offers convenience and accessibility, allowing individuals and organizations to submit their documentation and data efficiently. To begin, applicants typically create an account on the website of the relevant authority responsible for issuing EPR certificates. Once logged in, they fill out an online application form, providing accurate information about the product or service, including its environmental attributes. Supporting documents, such as data on energy consumption, emissions, and materials used, are uploaded directly through the portal. Some authorities may require payment of fees as part of the application process, which can also be completed online. After submission, the application undergoes a review process by the certification authority, during which the accuracy and completeness of the provided information are assessed. Upon approval, the EPR certificate is issued electronically or via mail, depending on the procedures of the issuing authority. This digital approach to EPR certificate applications not only enhances efficiency but also promotes transparency and accountability in environmental stewardship efforts.

We help in following 5 categories of EPR Certificate:

1.Plastic Waste
3.Battery Waste
4.Oil Waste
5.Tyre Waste

Plastic Waste Management ā€“ EPR Certificate

The process of obtaining EPR registration for plastic waste management entails seeking approval from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). This authorization is crucial for producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) to effectively manage plastic waste generated both pre-consumer and post-consumer stages. Through EPR, PIBOs commit to recycling, reusing, and responsibly disposing of plastic waste. CPCB grants EPR certificates to PIBOs post a meticulous audit of their waste management roadmap, ensuring compliance with annual targets. EPR for plastic waste necessitates PIBOs to undergo an online registration process with either the Central Pollution Control Board or the respective State Pollution Control Board. This certification empowers PIBOs - producers, importers, and brand owners - to fulfill their annual plastic waste management obligations. The authorization, granted upon thorough scrutiny of the waste management plan, ensures compliance with EPR targets set by regulatory bodies. The cornerstone of effective plastic waste management lies in securing EPR certification, a prerequisite set forth by the Central Pollution Control Board. PIBOs, encompassing producers, importers, and brand owners, undertake the responsibility of managing plastic waste across its lifecycle. Through meticulous audits of waste disposal strategies, CPCB assesses and grants EPR certificates, ensuring adherence to annual targets and fostering sustainable waste management practices."

Electonic Waste Management ā€“ EPR Certificate

EPR e-waste management registration focuses on the registration process for handling electronic waste according to Extended Producer Responsibility guidelines. It requires producers and importers of electronic products to adhere to regulations for responsible electronic waste management and disposal.
Under these provisions, entities categorized as recyclers, producers, refurbishers, manufacturers, or those introducing batteries into the market must obtain EPR Registration specifically for managing battery waste. This registration ensures compliance with environmental standards and responsibilities related to electronic waste disposal.

Battery Waste Certificate - EPR Certificate

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) stands for EPR (Extended Producerā€™s Responsibility). As you know that every kind of battery has its shelf life after some years every battery becomes a waste therefore CPCB Introduced EPR battery waste management rules 2022 which handles battery wastes and saves the environment, fertility of land and saves soil from being contaminated. Besides, There are many stakeholders who can get EPR registration for battery waste certificate such as Importer, Producer, Recycler, and Refurbisher etc.
Note- Any type of entity who deals in batteries can not commence their business activity without obtaining EPR registration under battery waste management (amendment) rules 2024.

Oil Waste Management ā€“ EPR Certificate

The hazardous waste management rule of 2016, clause 3, defines used oil as either a derivative of crude oil or a blend containing synthetic oil, encompassing varieties like used engine oil, hydraulic oil, turbine oil, compressor oil, and industrial oil. However, oils mentioned in part-A of the hazardous waste management rules do not fall under the category of waste or used oil unless they fail to meet the criteria outlined in part V of the same rules.

Tyre Waste Management - EPR Certificate

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mandates that producers bear accountability for their products throughout their lifecycle, encompassing their appropriate disposal or recycling. Specifically regarding tyres, EPR registration imposes a legal obligation on producers to oversee the management and recycling of the waste tyres they manufacture, sell, or import. Through adherence to EPR registration, producers actively foster the circular economy and advocate for sustainable waste management approaches.
Those necessitated to obtain CPCP EPR Registration for waste tyres include:
Recycling companies
Retreading facilities

Documents Required for battery waste EPR registration

There are various EPR battery waste certificate requirements and required documents are given below:
1.Basic Details of Applicant (Email ID, Phone Number, Business Activity etc.)
Aadhar Card of Applicant 2.Pan Card Of applicant
3.GST Certificate of applicant
4.Certificate of incorporation
5.Copy of Consent(CTE/CTO)
6.Import Export Certificate
7.District Industries Center(DIC)
8.Registration/ MSME.
9.Consent Issued by SPCBs/PCCs under air/water Act and authorisation under Hazardous Other Waste (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016.

At importexportcertificate, we leverage our industry knowledge and expertise to help businesses navigate complex regulations, minimize risks, and optimize operations for maximum efficiency and profitability.


Frequently Asked Questions

You can get your EPR registration in India online with Export Import Certificate in just a few simple steps. 1.Details & Documents 2.Submission of Fees 3.Issuance of EPR certificate
New EPR registration is valid for 1 year and renewed certificate will be valid for upto 3 years

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) is essential that manufacturers and recyclers manage any kind of product waste. It ensures and emphasis onĀ  environmental sustainability through holding producers accountable for recycling and proper disposal, promoting a circularity

In EPR registration there all types of battery categories are mentioned Ex: Portable Battery, Automotive Battery, Industrial Battery, Electric Vehicle Battery, battery waste composition (Lead acid battery, Lithium Ion battery) Etc.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) grants the EPR Battery waste Certificate under battery waste management (amendment) rules 2024.

"EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) obligations dictate that manufacturers manage their product waste. Compliance with EPR regulations ensures environmental sustainability, promotes responsible waste management, and fosters a culture of corporate accountability, contributing to a healthier planet for future generations."

In EPR battery waste management rules, 2022 emphasis on preventing environment incinerators from landfills of used batteries. Besides these rules said that we must collect all battery waste and deliver it for recycling and refurbishing for re-use or use in other business.

Choose our service for unparalleled excellence for EPR Registration for battery waste online. With a commitment to innovation, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we deliver solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring success in 3 simple steps:

  1. Details & Documents
  2. Submission of application on battery waste portal.
  3. Obtaining EPR battery waste certificate.


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