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Trademark Renewal

Most Affordable Price Trademark Renewal in India

Trademark Renewal in 2024

A trademark is a unique mark or identification symbol given to your product that differentiates your brand from those of your competitors. This helps in the identification of the product and brand. Trademark Renewal Registration is valid for 10 years, after this it can be renewed from time to time. The trademark renewal will help the owner in further extending ownership of the trademark for an additional ten 10 years.
The process of Trademark Registration Renewal in India starts at least 6 months before the expiry date of the applicant’s trademark registration. The timely renewal assists the authorized owner in keeping the owner his/her unique identification symbol perpetual and permanent. Trademark Registration in India can be renewed after a period of 10 years and can be done as many times as the owner wishes to keep the status active and achieved.

How to Renew Trademark in India? (Process of trademark renewal)

A registered unique mark is valid for ten years and must be renewed before expiry date of the unique identification symbol. The registrar of the trademark is entitled to send a letter to the owner 6 months before the expiration of the trademark.
There are two options for the owner before renewing
Renew the trademark as it is or renew it with changes and alterations you want to make:
i) The TM-R form is used to apply for a trademark renewal.
ii) The proprietor must submit an application for renewal and pay trademark renewal fees
iii) The owner of the registered trademark or an authorized agent of the owner must submit the application.
iv) Importexportcertificate is advised to get professional advice while submitting an Indian trademark renewal application.

Benefits of Renewal of trademark in India

There are several benefits of renewal of trademark in India, it grants a unique position to products and services, prevents fraud, and provides the person same thing in case of fraud done with the unique identification of their products and services.
Some of the benefits are listed below:
• Protection from fraud
Trademark registration and renewal protects the owner from fraud, and eliminates the possibility of others claiming the rights of the trademark other than the owner. It stops anyone from copying the business identity.
• Protection of Brand Name
In India, renewing a trademark ensures that the brand name is shielded from rivals in the market for as long as possible. The brand name will no longer be legally protected once the application deadline for renewal has passed.
• Extension of Ownership Rights
The applicant is permitted to apply for protection against trademark infringement in India. After every trademark registration renewal in India, the approved owner's exclusive rights over the registered trademark are renewed for an additional ten years.
• Fixed ROI
A trademark owner has the right to assign the trademark to another person, who demands for it. A trademark license can be given to someone else in exchange of good rate of monetary compensation to the authorized owner. The owner can profit from it and thus it ensures a good return on Investment in case of trademark registration.

What happens when the owner exceeds trademark renewal period?

In case the owner fails to fill trademark renewal form in India, the registrar removes the mark from the register. However, the registrar will inform the owner in the form of advertisement in newspaper regarding the intention of removal in the trademark journal.
The registered trademark shall be retrieved within six months and within a year from the expiration date of the last date of registration of the trademark.


To sum up, renewal of trademark in India must be done in order to safeguard the legal rights of the owner and preserve the uniqueness of their brands. Brands can guarantee continued protection for an extra ten years by following the guidelines for trademark renewal, which include timely application filing and submission of necessary documentation. On the other hand, skipping the trademark renewal process can leave you vulnerable to infringement and lose your legal protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Trademarks need to be renewed every ten years

On or before six months after the trade mark registration expires, the owner must submit an application for renewal to the trademark registrar in the required form [TM-R]. If a trademark renewal application hasn't been made, it needs to be made one to three months before the registration expires



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